Thursday, January 27, 2011

A little bird for CY

When I found this little honey-eater the day it fell out of it's nest, it had broken tail, patches of bare skin with ants all over it, and it couldn't even hold it's head up. A few days later it had a verocious appetite, and was wobbling in and out of it's 'bed'. A week later it could take small flights ot land on the floor. Now (a month later), it's flying around my room. It totally reminds me of you CY!

It's tail feathers are still crooked, and it isn't strong enough to fly outside yet, but it's a brilliant patient and is getting better in leaps and bounds :)  xx Rosey


  1.! this is such a good illustration! you really are very talented.
    secondly, i'm very impressed with how well you have looked after that bird. it sounds like it was almost gone, and yet now sounds pretty good!

  2. That is an awesome portrait Rosey! So good to hear the little bird is doing well, all thanks to you! I hope to recover as well as your honey-eater too and we can fly off together :)

  3. Rosey this is wonderful, both the illustration and the story.
